Saturday, April 30, 2016

Dragonball Z Movie 15: Resurrection F

This is it. The final DBZ movie: Fukkatsu no F, or Revival of F. Known here as Resurection F.

It's the LARGEST POST EVER on this site.

We begin with a shot of Hell. ...that's right, this is a portion of Hell. It was created specifically for Freeza; as Freeza hates beautiful things and happiness, being forced to exist in a world like this is sheer torment for him.

There's also a parade of dancing stuffed animals and faeries that circles a prone Freeza as he's forced to watch their happy procession endlessly.

Meanwhile, in space, the new commander of the Freeza Army hatches a plan to get their leader back. This is Sorbet, a nefarious little goon of unknown power.

Frog from Chrono Trigger appears to be one of his soldiers, and comes up with the idea of going to Earth to steal their Dragonballs, using those to wish Freeza back to life.

Sorbet plans to gather the 'balls, wish back Freeza's remains, and then regenerate him in some kind of space nano-pod with lots of stem cells.

Sorbet interrupts the Pilaf Gang's latest attempt to gather the 'balls, making Pilaf summon the dragon on HIS behalf instead.

Well, at least the Pilaf Gang is finally useful for something story-wise.

We get a quick glimpse of Gohan, Videl, and their NEW CHILD~! as Piccolo is forced to babysit.

Egad! Gokou is now a grandpa.

Back at the plot, Pilaf summons the dragon, who is damn sure sick and tired of all this summoning at this point!

Pilaf wishes for Freeza's resurrection. Of course, thanks to Trunks, Freeza is revived in pieces, but they'll regenerate him before long.

"Sometimes dead is BETTAH" says the dragon.

They get a second wish, but the job-less Pilaf Gang steals it by wishing for... MILLION dollars.

Seriously? Shouldn't they have wished for...I don't know, a billion? Or a trillion?

Do they know how bad inflation is these days? A million dollars means they won't have to work for like two years, tops.

Freeza is revived, but he's in pieces. This is...macabre.

The girl is the only smart one in the Pilaf Gang. Probably because she has a human brain, while the other two are a goblin and a hamster.

Back at the space pod, Freeza begins to regenerate while "F" by Maximum the Hormone plays.

More on that song...later.

Frog is terrified as the scouters simultaneously break on all of the soldiers in the ship.

That's...really scary.

Freeza is awake. He was dead for many years, and a lot has changed.

Freeza is generally disgusted at what happened to him, and quickly throws up all over his goons.


Now he's out of Hell and the first thing he gets to look at is...Sorbet and a bunch of goons.

He blasts one of them through a nearby window, causing the ship to start hemorrhaging air into space. A bunch of his own troops go flying out to their deaths, including FROG, before Sorbet manages to get the shield up and seal them back in.

Well, Freeza is still a complete asshole. Now he's angry, though.

He wants revenge on Gokou and Trunks, specifically. Trunks (well, THAT Trunks) isn't around anymore since he went back to his future, but Gokou is still available.

Freeza unveils the secret behind how this movie can exist: He has never trained; he's this powerful by default. In other words, if he works out for a few months, he could be as powerful as Gokou is now.

Yeah, that's reaching a bit, but we'll roll with it.

 ::uproarious laughter is heard::

1.3 million? I hope he means 1.3 billion. I'm pretty sure 1.3 million wasn't even as far as he got in his original saga.

Jaco, some sort of interstellar patrollman, appears on Earth with a warning that Freeza is on his way back for revenge. Where was this guy when Freeza was headed to Namek? Did Namek not matter enough to intervene? What's your problem, Jaco?

He relays this message to Bulma, who...

...damn, Bulma.

Speaking of patrollmen, Kuririn has taken a job as a police officer to pay the bills.

He gets a call on his new Samsung Galaxy S7 (tm) from Bulma, warning him of the approaching danger. And if anyone should be afraid of a Freeza return, it's Kuririn.

His wife gives him a haircut, because it's time for him to re-become the fighter he once was. This time Freeza won't have his way with him.

We also learn that Gokou and Vegeta are, surprise, off in some other part of the galaxy training. That leaves it to everyone else to take on Freeza. They've got Gohan, but he's weaker than he's ever been as an adult, so... 

Seriously, Gohan is the ONLY character in this series who actually goes backward in power level over time.

Kuririn swings into action! He's ready to take on Freeza, and he's as excited to relive his younger years as we the audience are.

Wait a minute...over on the right's that Skynet death-baby!



We finally see Gokou and Vegeta. They're training with Whis, who they can't even land a solid punch on. Well, the only way to get better at any fighting style is to train with people further along than you...

Vegeta is more ornery than ever, constantly getting on Gokou's case. It's weird because in Movie 12 Vegeta seemed pretty content to call Gokou a friend in the afterlife, but now three movies later they're both alive and bitching again.

Vegeta tries to hit Whis by himself, and we get a pretty cool shot where they both slide along the surface of the water. I'd love to see more shots like this in DBZ.

Whis lets them know that they're no match for him. Whis is really holding down our heroes here, and I don't have to like it.

Oh, and he autographed their clothes during the fight, which they didn't even see. That's just embarassing.

Whis explains that the reason Vegeta is always a step behind Gokou is that Vegeta is too tense. He needs to relax and go with the flow. And Gokou...well, he isn't tense enough. Or something like that.

I'm assuming he means if they fuse to form Gogeta, because a two-on-one wouldn't make any difference with DBZ's power structure of "character with a slightly higher level than other character can obliterate other character with ease".

Gogeta Vs. Beerus...sounds good. Will that be in Movie 16? Eh, I think they're done with movies. From now on it's Dragonball Super all the way.

Unbeknownst to Gokou and Vegeta, back on Earth trouble is afoot. Freeza's army has arrived, and...there's a comically high amount of them. How did they all fit on that ship? They must have been packed together like sardines.

Flashbacks to my childhood ensue as Freeza floats around in his weird levitating pod. He wants Earth's finest to show up so he can start doling out vengeance. As a result, he...

...nukes a nearby city.

Because Freeza is an asshole, you see.

The heroes arrive, and Tien finally says what we've all been thinking for the whole series.

Freeza with a decisive low-blow to Kuririn's ego!

Kuririn got killed during the original fight with Freeza. This's safe to say he isn't planning on letting it happen again.

Master Roshi gets to be useful for the first time since Movie 2, as he powers up into Muscle Form and gets ready for carnage.

They're...vastly outnumbered, to say the least. The good news is that Freeza's army are all still at Namek Saga level strength.

A Matrix-style Burly Brawl ensues, with our heroes fighting off scores of enemies like they're trying to rack up a high score in Dynasty Warriors 8.

Jaco even joins the battle, posing a lot before blasting a circle of goons with his laser pistol.

Tien unleashes his strongest move, taking out a horde of bad guys!'s our first Old reference of the movie.

::rating drops from 10/10 to 9/10::

This fight with Freeza's Army goes on a bit too long, and starts to get kind of comical after a while. They're swarming around like locusts.

Some great moments here though, like when Piccolo disrobes and throws his weighted equipment at Freeza's soldiers (thus knocking them out of the air).

Not too keen on Jumpsuit Gohan. At all. He puts up the best fight out of any of the heroes here, as he should.

Jaco causes a bunch of troops to get eaten by a giant fish!

Finally, Freeza's army is pretty much decimated. Who's going to clean up this mess?

"No worries! We'll make Kuririn do it!"

Piccolo fights Freeza's strongest goon, this demon guy. It's actually an even fight. Not sure why this guy isn't on the cover of the movie, while the tall lanky goon is. That guy got blasted out the window by Freeza early on.

Gohan goes SUPER SAIYAN~! in Piccolo's defense, defeating the boss fairly quickly. With that, Freeza's Army is done.

Freeza laments how out of shape his army has gotten in his absence. I think the problem is more that our heroes have gotten super-strong in his absence.

Freeza stops calmly addressing them without warning and BLASTS Gohan with a punch at high speed. Holy shit! out. In one punch.

Luckily, they still have Senzu Beans, and manage to get Gohan back to life with one (and Piccolo doing some energy-based CPR). Unfortunately, they're running low on 'beans after all the fighting, and it's clear none of them have a chance against Freeza regardless.

Back at the God Planet, Oracle Fish drunkenly wobbles in to let Gokou, Vegeta, and Whis know that Bulma was trying to reach them earlier.

Ya know, maybe if Jaco hadn't waited until like, the day of Freeza's arrival to warn her, we wouldn't be in this predicament. Jaco is worse than the protagonists of Terminator: Genisys warping to like a day before Skynet goes online.

It's probably a breast-accentuating selfie or something.

...what the hell? I was KIDDING just now

Whis gets the now-old message from Bulma that Freeza is on his way. Gokou and Vegeta are both horrified by this, in part because it makes no sense. Freeza should be very dead.

Unfortunately, they have these things called Dragonballs that can resurrect people in this world... sometimes it backfires.

Gokou uses his instant-transmission to get them back to Earth...which means Vegeta has to hold his hand. Vegeta has TOO MUCH PRIDE for such a thing.


They appear in front of Freeza, who literally moans in delight that his two greatest adversaries have appeared.


Kuririn actually cries when they appear. He was probably about to get killed again, so he should be happy.

Freeza is infuriated at Gokou for defeating him... never mind that Gokou gave him every chance to leave with his life, but he wouldn't stop being an antagonistic monster.

Freeza goes ahead and powers up, straight to Form 4. It turns out that he's been training quite a bit, hence why he's able to dispatch Gohan so easily even in base form.

Welp, Gohan is officially done as any kind of major threat going forward.

As Freeza powers up, Master Roshi deflates. That...was legitimately funny.

So far, this is the best DBZ movie out of the fifteen. Seriously. The only competition are Movies 9 and 14, but I'd give this the edge over even those two. Your mileage may vary.

Freeza goes straight to Form 4. This was as far as he got originally (unless we count his Buff Form as another level). I wonder if he could beat Gohan with one fingerpoke now, NWO style.

It played earlier in the movie, but I think it should have played at this point: "F" by Maximum the Hormone, a Japanese heavy metal song about Freeza (and possibly real-world death cult Aum Shinrikyo, apparently) that actually inspired Akira Toriyama to make this movie.

I don't like heavy metal AT ALL, but this song is super-powerful. Lyric translation, courtesy of the Dragonball Wiki - I guess Phowa is their way of saying Power:

It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!

Searching for eternal life, he came to Namek
Declaring war, bathing the populace in blood
Occupation, domination, black clouds cover the land
"You will die..."

Unresisting, the people run and hide
Even those who bow to him are burnt to cinders
Genocide, armed oppression
The dictator laughs as he tramples them

Raditz and Nappa were downsized
Kiwi died instantly
Dodoria, fierce and violent
Zarbon with the long hair

His upper arms are pink pink pink
His head is sick sick sick
He has a floating vehicle
And a battle power of 530,000

Unsolved history
No order, nation hunting
Justice, seven balls
Give me romance!

Blown to smithereens
Lure out the insects
The scouter goes haywire and crashes
Now...I'll show true form...

Divine transformation
It's too late for regrets

The earth shakes
Wounds ache
The air undulates
That quake is the dark side

Freeza, Freeza, Freeza, Freeza
A surge, a hole, a galaxy
Negligence, a trap, parasites
Freeza, Freeza, Freeza, Freeza
We are the ones who cry out in fear

Overfishing, deforestation, overdevelopment
The repetitive destruction of the environment
Oppression, torture, no human rights
Propaganda is implanted within us

Unresisting, the people run and hide
Even those who bow to him are burnt to cinders
Genocide, armed oppression
The dictator laughs as he tramples them

Gurd, Butta, Jheese
Recoom's Eraser Gun
Ginyu's body change
Yeah, a frog! Frog!

His upper arms are pink pink pink
His head is sick sick sick
He has a floating vehicle
And a battle power of 530,000

Unsolved history
No order, nation hunting
Justice, seven balls
Give me romance!

Blown to smithereens
Lure out the insects
The scouter goes haywire and crashes
Now...I'll show true form...

Divine transformation
It's too late for regrets

The earth shakes
Wounds ache
The air undulates
That quake is the dark side

Freeza, Freeza, Freeza, Freeza
A surge, a hole, a galaxy
Negligence, a trap, parasites
Freeza, Freeza, Freeza, Freeza
We are the ones who cry out in fear

He will not rot away
Shut up with this pain
Evil, trembling in fear, darkness, the underworld

Freeza, Freeza, Freeza, Freeza
Of course his soul is eternal
I don't have a power! Shit!

Freeza, Freeza, Freeza, Freeza
The climax, an unpredicted meaning

Freeza, Freeza, Freeza, Freeza
A surge, a hole, a galaxy
Negligence, a trap, parasites
Freeza, Freeza, Freeza, Freeza
We are the ones who cry out in fear

It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!
It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa! It's phowa! It's phowa! Phowa!

Gokou and Freeza lock horns as the main event begins. Both of them are visibly holding back, as is tradition. Their original fight went on for like thirty episodes because they spent so much time holding back incrementally. It was pretty infuriating as a kid when I got one episode a week.

Gokou pretty much wins this round handily. Freeza isn't pleased.

But wait! Vegeta actually shoves Gokou out of the way because he wants his own crack at the guy who destroyed his homeworld.

Freeza...actually likes Vegeta. That figures. He's here to kill Gokou and Gokou alone.

With both guys asking him to step aside, Vegeta sulks away, much like NBA Great Charles Barkley.

Freeza and Gokou agree to both unleash their full power.

Gokou powers up to his new form: Super Saiyan God...Super Saiyan. I guess they couldn't just call this Super Saiyan 5 or something.

It isn't very clear, but it seems like this is the next form up from the Super Saiyan God we saw in the last movie. However, some sources indicate that it's the same strength, just controllable by one person without a ritual. So will there be SSGSS2 and SSGSS3 as well? SSJ3 blue hair would be rad!

Freeza's reaction to the very internet smark.

Time for Freeza to do his own powering up! What will his new form look like? Will he grow a spiky-shelled head like Cooler?

Nope, he just...turns gold. He looks a little taller and stronger too.

Why has this conversation repeatedly sounded like the writers having a shoot interview with the audience?

The battle is joined! It's gold vs. blue in a battle for supremacy! Warriors Vs. Thunder in the conference finals!

The stunning fight choreography from the previous movie returns here, as Gokou and Freeza launch volleys of strikes. Everything is slowed down a bit from most of the Z series, but that's good because we can actually see what they're doing.

 Meanwhile, Beerus and Whis enjoy Earth cuisine while totally stealing heat from all the main characters.

Freeza has the upper hand on Gokou, then gets distracted when he notices the presence of Beerus.

The Gods don't really care about any of this, they're just here to observe. Freeza is allowed to continue exacting revenge without any interference.

This includes dragging Gokou into the ocean and attempting to drown him, which might actually be the most effective way to stop Gokou at this point. Though he COULD just instant-transmission to someone on land...

After barely fighting his way out of the ocean, Gokou is appalled at Freeza's treachery.

Now he's angry, so we get the Terminator-esque slow-turn of head after Freeza punches him full-on.

Gokou unleashes the Kamehameha, completely devastating Freeza and more or less winning the fight.

He gives Freeza the opportunity to leave in peace. Again. How gullible IS this guy? He's putting the entire Earth in jeopardy at this point.

But wait! Sorbet is still lurking, and manages to snipe Gokou with some kind of very potent laser beam. Right through the heart, no less.

What the frick

Freeza asks Vegeta to do the honors and kill Gokou the rest of the way, then join him as second-in-command of the Freeza Army.

Vegeta...seems to like Gokou less than ever at this point, but has to tolerate him nonetheless. It's a little weird given his slow climb towards accepting Gokou in the other movies.

Oh, and Freeza's army only has one soldier left in it. Yeah.

The truth comes out, as Vegeta declares his intentions of destroying Freeza himself. But first, he asks Kuririn to give the last Senzu Bean to Gokou before he dies from the laser wound.

Freeza goes for the Kuririn Blaster 2k15!

Vegeta leaps up to swat the blast away, saving Kuririn. So where does the blast land? Glad you asked, because... lands right on Sorbet, blowing him to smithereens.

Vegeta now SHOCKS THE WORLD by also going SSGSS! This is the first time in ages that Vegeta has been on the same level as Gokou. I think the last time was early Buu Saga.

Vegeta teleports up to Freeza and slugs him before he can even react. It's exactly like what Freeza did to Gohan earlier. I'd say this was payback, but Vegeta wasn't around to see that part,'s just the animators really liking this one move.

Vegeta easily dispatches Freeza, knocking him back into his previous form. It looks like Vegeta is actually more powerful than Gokou at this point, which really IS shocking.

Vegeta goes to destroy Freeza once and for all. "No more resurections" he says.

And that...should have been where the battle ended. Vegeta deserved to kill this guy after everything that happened. He'd finally have one movie where he saved the day AND his character would have come full circle.

Instead, Freeza slams his hand into the ground and the world explodes.


No, seriously. If it's that easy, how come the world doesn't explode every time one of them misses an energy attack and it collides with the ground somewhere?

Our heroes appear on an island in space, surrounded by an energy bubble. Vegeta's gone, and so is Earth.

Freeza doesn't need to breathe, so he's out there somewhere. No Dragonballs to wish the planet back, either, since they got blown up with it.

The good news is that Whis can rewind time by three minutes, and decides to do so once Gokou accepts that he shouldn't be merciful to people like Freeza anymore. a very useful power. Since it's only a three minute rewind, it doesn't totally trivialize everything. It's used well here.

After Whis rewinds time to right before Freeza blew up the planet, Gokou leaps into the fray and volleys another Kamehameha at Freeza, narrowly missing Vegeta.

Freeza is utterly obliterated. By Gokou, who has overcome his naivety. Dunno, I still think they should have just let Vegeta have his one victory.

Whatever. Movie's still 9/10. And that's on a regular scale! On the DBZ Movie Scale, it's like 12 out of 10 Raditz.

Vegeta is infuriated, having missed the whole time reset brouhaha due to not being within the protective bubble when the world went kaboom. The others explain to him that it had to be done.

Bulma actually remembers the city that Freeza nuked at the beginning, and our heroes vow to bring everyone there back to life once they collect the Dragon Balls again.

Gokou and Vegeta agree that they don't need to team up to win battles, and would rather not anyway. Wait, what? They must be talking abou fusion. Well, this'll be good for explaining why they never turn into Gogeta even though it'd solve literally any problem that comes their way in the future.

As for Freeza...he returned to the special Hell that was designed for him.

Here, he'll spend his eternity surrounded by colors and happy things. It's a fate worse than anything else for him.

With that, the DBZ movie series is over. Wow, that was quite a ride. Thanks for following along!

Other Dragonball Z Posts


  1. Piccolo isn't being forced! He's part of the family, the father Gohan never had. ...ahem.

    Pilaf is definitely dumb, though he is fairly competent at finding dragon balls. The dog got the best deal out of the accidental youth wish, he must have been on his last legs before he got turned back into a puppy. know, because he's a dog and it's been a heck of a long time since Dragon Ball started.

    Yeah, even the last official power level ever listed in the series was Freeza bragging about how his second form (THE SECOND) was 1 million even.

    Police officer is such a great job for these guys. Sure does make Yamcha playing baseball look shallow.

    Kids, this is what happens when you study, you become weak. Don't hit the books!

    Gogeta would make sense, but that never comes up at all. I think fusion is going to stay solely with Gotenks (who they're barely using anyway) until at some point things get really bad and they need to pull out something and remember Gogeta is technically a possibility. That's still only a maybe, as no signs seem to point to them being eager to revisit that.

    GOKOU BEING HARMED BY A LASER GUN MAKES NO SENSE. It is somehow the least logical thing in this movie where Freeza trains a few months and becomes a threat again.

    Whis be all "you used to kill people all that time back in Dragon Ball" to Gokou.

  2. The Freeze never training ever kinda makes sense. When he was introduced in the series he literally was proclaimed as the strongest in the universe EVER. Still makes more sense then Cell and the cyborgs having an higher power level than freaking aliens.

    The laser guns thingy kinda doesn't fit with DBZ. What's the point of making a whole series about guys bodybuilding and training to get stronger whereas Yamcha with a potent laser could kill them all by surprise? Hell in before chaozu becomes the strongest in the universe because he can fly, is small, can hide himself easily and kill anyone with a laser? Here you were talking a walk in the desert but oh you never thought of looking behind that small 1 meter rock? FATAL MISTAKE! CHAOZU COMES OUT FROM IT AND KILL YOUR SUPER SAIYAN GOD ASS!!!! Nice try on your next life bitch ( oups dying in this doesn't really do anything so yeah)

  3. name of the one who made those subtitules I can't found a good subtitules

    1. Sorry, don't know. I don't have this video any more to check.

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