Thursday, February 13, 2025

Highlander 5x03 - Manhunt


It's always cool when we get an early-series immortal to show up in a return episode later on. In this case it's Carl Robinson, who first appeared in "Run For Your Life" and went from being a slave to a baseball player. ...then later ended up in trouble, before becoming a baseball player again. Well, now we're back in the "trouble" cycle. This is one of those episodes where the primary threat is a conundrum to solve rather than a particular bad guy.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Darkwing Duck (NES, 1992)

Darkwing Duck was one of the many shows/things I was into as a kid. Like HUGELY into. That said, I don't know how long I was a fan of this show. It might have been like a month or something. Either way, it was memorable. I liked it for the same reasons I liked Carmen Sandiego and Dick Tracy, it had a cool roster of bad guys with their own gimmicks and whatnot and a crime-fighting hero trying to apprehend them all (but never actually seeming to).

I don't know what happened with the show or what the overall mythology was. Were there multiple seasons? Did new Big Bads get introduced? I don't know. I didn't even follow the TMNT lore that deeply and TMNT was the biggest thing on the planet.

In any case, this is a game that I 100% would have begged for if I'd had an NES as a kid. Probably near the top of the list for it too. This, Power Blade, Mega Man 3, Metroid, and Super Mario Bros 3 are probably the first things I would have gone for. ...that is, if I didn't burn through the game budget getting terrible Terminator games.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Highlander 5x02 - The End of Innocence


One of my favorite episodes, almost entirely because the "bad guy" is one of the most formidable and cool immortals in the show's run. Duncan faces a serious threat this time around, and we get the return of Richie. Except now he's bad-ass heel Richie.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Xenogears: Perfect Works


Whoa, what have I got here? And where are Elly's clothes? Turns out, in Japanese media, it's very common for characters to be portrayed as naked when they're represented in a metaphysical world, since they've shed any Earthly additions.

Every so often I like to look at an art book, and Xenogears' Japan-only art book is a good one. As the cover tells you, it's got all kinds of information on the world of the game. It's a crime that this never got any translated versions in the West, though. As for why that is... well, look at the cover. Is that the outline of a nipple?

Friday, January 24, 2025

Contra: Operation Galuga (Switch, 2024)


Very cool little game here that probably could have been called "Contra 5" (or whatever we're up to). It's a total throwback in most regards, with modern HD visuals. Konami should do things like this more often. The only problem with this one is that it's hard to find and they only gave it an extremely limited release. Pretty much have to go buy it digitally unless you luck out and find it in a library or something.

Monday, January 20, 2025

The Peace Keepers (Super NES, 1994)


The third game in the series, Rushing Beat Shura, is also on Nintendo Switch Online, so I'm checking it out. Looks like Jaleco still hasn't figured out how to mention Rival Turf! on the box, so nobody would know this is the third and final game in the trilogy.

Also, "The Peace Keepers"? Judging from this box art, they're not doing very much peace-keeping! Maybe they called the game this so kids would be able to sell it to their parents more easily. "Mom, it's a game about keeping peace!" Damn right it's about keeping peace... by whooping ass.

Now with FOUR player simultaneous action! Which is actually pretty rare for the Super NES and makes this game legitimately notable.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Brawl Brothers (Super NES, 1993)

This is Rushing Beat II, the sequel to Rival Turf! that I didn't know existed...and neither did anyone else. They should have said something on the box. At least they made sure to mention the "simultaneous two-player action" and "Jaleco" which is how you know it'll be rad to the max.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Rival Turf (Super NES, 1992)

Rad-sounding developer Jaleco brings us a game that looks totally rad to the max: Rival Turf, known as Rushing Beat in Japan where it had a bit more of an audience. I have no idea what I'm getting into here. Is this one of Nintendo's earlier attempts to be young and hip like Sega? Who are these two kids? Are they in the game? Are they faces or heels? They look like they're minutes away from beating up Emilio Estevez in an arcade.

Now on Nintendo Switch Online, so one can play it there with simultaneous two-player action. Put on your bandana and pop your collars, it's time to be a RAD DUDE.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Top 10 Underrated Emotional Moments In Games

Today I'm running through some emotional moments that don't get a lot of airtime. Little jolts from various games that meant something or hit hard in their own ways. Obviously I'm missing about a hundred worthwhile things from this list, and it's just what came to mind for a top ten.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Highlander 5x01 - Prophecy


A year later, I pick up after the cliffhanger of sorts at the end of S4. How will Joe and Duncan mend their shattered friendship? Where's Richie?

Most of the questions will have to wait a bit because this episode is more about setting the stage for the big main event of Season 5. I wonder if this is the only show out there that has its "main events" about 60% of the way through the seasons*. I'd say Buffy got it right by having the Big Bads show up at the end, but either way, I'll take it. * - Except Season 3, which felt much more like a traditional season arc.

This episode is a good one, and features the underrated and gorgeous Tracy Scoggins as mythical immortal Cassandra, known for being able to see the future. Yes, that Cassandra. Not sure how I feel about Highlander getting more "mystical" from here on out, but I'll need to get used to it because supernatural elements pop up quite a few times in the last arc of the show.